Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring Is Springin'

The entire town of Wilmington was all a' buzz last week.  Everyone knew our first 70 degree Saturday was coming.  People were making last minute party plans for their backyard.  Getting their boats gassed up.  Flip-flops out.  All to-do lists were put away in honor of such an amazing occasion.
 Joe & I already knew our plans.  Drive out on Carolina Beach, Sandpiper Subs in hand, and enjoy a nice ocean-side lunch together.  With excited hearts pounding, we watched as some dolphins played in the surf nose-diving for the little fishes that live there enjoying their own sort of lunch.  A local horse farm brought out their young riders and we watched as they trotted along the water's edge.  Lots of people were grilling out.  Walking their dogs.  Playing frisbee and touch football.
I, Miss Pasty White, got my first sunburn of the year.  It only takes a minute, Dr. Tanner would say.  Eh, it's worth it. 


brent said...

oh, this looks decedent! can i just tell you how i need a vacation to the beach right now! maybe this week, as i push out a baby the size of a large watermelon i'll think about your beach pics and how i wish i was there instead. lol. a girl can dream.

Joe and Melody said...

I hope to see some Baby Blogging very soon! Good luck, girl.