Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Joe & I made the delightful 8-hour trek to PA this past Memorial Day Weekend to visit with many family and friends. Mom & Cooper D also made their way up by plane and we all got to spend a nice 4-day weekend together!

On Saturday, the Peck family decided to rent bike cruisers and ride the C&O Bicycle Path. The weather was perfect and we had the best time! Although Nanny was a bit concerned that the bike helmut would mess her hair up, everything turned out wonderful and we got to spend some much needed quality family time together.

Sunday morning we were off to Needmore Bible church to meet up w/the Smartts'. After church, we had lunch at the Lockhouse in Hancock, MD and got to catch up with one another. Heather, Grammy, my dad, me, and good ol' Joe had a picture taken for the books. It was so good to see all of them!

And what's a trip to PA w/out a good carnival?! Sunday night, the Pecks all went to the Boonsboro carnival. Cooper D and Joe were all about playing some carnival games; however, Cooper D was the only one that won any prizes. He racked up a blow-up hammer, a stuffed animal dolphin, and Mom's favorite...a GOLDFISH! We were all more than happy to welcome Squiggly the Goldfish to the family.


Heather said...

Hey girl. It was great seeing you guys this weekend! Glad I made the trip home. Can't wait to see you in the ILM next month yo! It's going to be flippin' awesome! Wish you were coming out for my b-day festivities...I understand though. Got your text on the way back, sooo funny! Tell Dirt, the movie quotes will be flying like crazy!
Talk soon,

Shauna said...

Mel, cute pics...isn't it great going home? there are certain times of year that i really miss the Valley and this is one of them... as close as we live you think we'd make the trip more, but we actually don't get up that way all too often, so it's really nice when we do. you look great. take care. shauna

Shauna said...

mel, got your comment, and no i didn't get your email. my address is namutoui@aol.com. try again.
PS. i mean c'mon who could possibly get that email wrong. lol. it's our last name in the language that brent spoke in the islands. retarded i know, but everyone know's it now, so there's no changing it!