Friday, June 13, 2008

Dearest Squiggly

In one of our previous posts titled Memorial Day Weekend, my family spent a fun-filled weekend in PA doing all kinds of PA-style stuff. On our last night there, we spent our time together at a local carnival where Cooper D won the biggest prize of all...Squiggly the Goldfish! Due to circumstances out of our control, Squiggly (2 days later) moved on from this earth to a much better place. Here's a slideshow of some of Cooper D & Squiggly's last times together. Squiggly...this one's for you.

1 comment:

Lisa D said...

What a wonderful tribute to Squiggly.

You forgot to mention that although we lost Squiggly, we still have Miggly - the beautiful blue dolphin - that Cooper also won at the carnival. And he will always be with us because he's stuffed.

He resides at the end of Cooper's bed everyday.