Sunday, February 15, 2009

LOVE is in the air

Valentine's Day by Joseph Madzar & Melody Smartt

a 'Bicycles Are For Lovers' shirt w/homemade card for Joe.

a new Burberry purse for Mel.

breakfast prepared by Joe.

movie time featuring Nights in Rodanthe.

dinner at Aubriana's.


Kaylie said...

looks like you guys had a great Valentine's day! you guys look so good together! hope things are going well :)

Shauna said...

mel, I love the t-shirt. very personal and sweet. you guys are very cute together. brent was asking me the other night if you were the crazy girl who drove the jetta way back when...i almost forgot about that. anyway, that was random. i was hoping to be reading about a ring this post...i guess i'll keep waitin'.

The Hill's said...

Sounds like a really nice V-day! You both seem really happy... Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

What a fun valentines day.