Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tickled Pink

'It's a girl!' said the ultrasound technician, Kate.  I immediately welled up with tears.  I had only just laid down on the bed, roller camera in Kate's hand, Joe nestled on a stool with perfect view of the big screen television ahead and we already knew.  Our little girl had no secrets and was quick to share.

Up until that point I had really tried to stay neutral.  At times I even leaned toward the 'boy' side.  But when Kate said the 'G' word, I felt so alive.  Had I been secretly wishing for a girl this whole time?  Had I been saying 'boy' just to prepare myself if it wasn't a girl?  Who knows.  The important part was that I finally had a sex to put with all those belly bumps I had been getting from inside.  And we could now finally say the words 'she' and 'her'.  We have a daughter and those pronouns have never rolled so smoothly off of our tongue.

The ultrasound went perfectly.  All of Baby Girl Madzar's body parts measured right on par.  Her head was perfect, her face was perfect, her arms and organs ... perfect.  The tech said her legs measured long.  That must be from her Croatian counterparts.  Lucky girl.

All throughout the ultrasound the technician kept chuckling when she would attempt to measure an appendage or an organ or the blood flow because Baby Girl would move or twist or block so that the measurement couldn't be done.  Babe must have done it a dozen times.  Kate continuing to giggle says, 'She's trying to be funny, I think.'  Looks like our girl is definitely her mother's daughter ... always trying to get a laugh.

I 'measured' on par too.  Blood pressure was good.  Weight was good ... I've gained 11 pounds.  Us two girls are just chugging away getting this thing done.  It's such a magical feeling to have a happy and healthy family.

New thoughts entered my ever-wandering mind today: hair bows, frills, daddy's girl.  Knowing the sex has opened up all kinds of new doors.  And we're just tickled pink.
Baby Girl Madzar's profile, smile and all.


Shauna said...

i shed some tears for you just now!?!? it's so so so exciting. makes me think about a Brian Andrea's poem i love so much.
"the first time her laughter unfurled it's wings in the wind, we knew that the world would never be the same." Congratulations.

Perpetual Blind Date said...

SO happy for your guys. I cant wait to see how you decorate the nursery and what awesome name you give that sweet babe.

lauren said...

i am horrendously biased(being an oldest and having an eldest daughter) but girls first are the way to go!! :) they are so sweet and arianna is my go to helper. you are in love already and can't even fathom the love that awaits. i promise. :)