Wednesday, August 18, 2010

gone tubin'

A mixture of
Joe's recent Associate's Degree achievement(the wedding overshadowed his success a bit so we never got to celebrate properly),
the fact that we missed our godchildren and Aunt Carolina and Uncle Kenny like crazy,
and because we hadn't been to visit Nana & Pop in western NC since JULY 2008(as if!)
... sent us packing to the great Appalachian Mountains in pursuit of a great tubing adventure.

I said it best to my friend Jen the other day, "It's completely void of TV and phones and all that junk ... and we really just appreciate each other and spend time together. So refreshing." Joe & I always look forward to spending time with the Dearborn side of the family. We feel a deep connection there. I absolutely adore Nana, Aunt Carolina, and Helena and all of our girl time together. And Joe respects Pop, Uncle Kenny, and Dean Patrick and all of their guy time together. Joe got in a good hill run while we were there ... and a good bike ride. He's preparing for his upcoming half Ironman in New Hampshire. Live free or die. (That's NH's state logo ... which I love.)

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